Giveaway open to all, regardless of location, read on to find out how to enter...
So maybe its all the love in the air or the fact that I had bacon for breakfast.
It could be that I have a gas leak and haven't noticed yet.
Whatever the reason, I'm feeling generous and one of you lovely people will benefit from that generosity.
I'm having a bit of a clear out and tidy up and I came across this bag. Brand spanking new, it was bought to go with a outfit to wear to a wedding, the outfit got returned at the last minute because I'd changed my mind. The bag did not.
Because who in their right mind would return this.

The bag is by Charlotte Reid London and is no longer available. You'll have a very hard time finding this particular bag anywhere.
Anyway, its never seen the light of day which is a bit of sin because its absolutely gorgeous.
Lovely person that I am, I'm going to give this bag away.
And you, dear friends have three chances to win this lovely bag.
All you have to do is any or all of the following (you get one entry per)
1 Leave me a comment.
2 Subscribe to SeetheWoodsandthetrees and then leave another separate comment (if you are already subscribed leave a comment letting me know, it'll count).
3 Write a short post about this giveaway on your site and link back here, come back and leave another separate comment.
Simple as. Three chances to win this lovely bag.
The giveaway will run until midnight on 28 February 2009 and on Sunday I'll select a winner using random number generator.
And the giveaway is open to one and all, completely regardless of where you live, I'll send it anywhere.
And if this is your first time here or you've been before but simply haven't commented (we're all busy after all), don't be afraid to jump right in. If you have any questions about the giveaway or the bag itself, please email me. It makes the draw a little less fiddly. Thanks
Remember, if you're not in you can't win.
Good Luck.
Freebies work for me. For more WFMW tips, recipes and ideas head over to visit Shannon at Rocks in my Dryer and thank her for all her hard work, effort and time she dedicated to Works for me Wednesday before the torch passes to Kristen at We are THAT family.