I've been hopping back and forth to the pooter when I get a few minutes to myself, but just don't seem to have found the time to blog. I've tried and have half a dozen
Robert seems to have been working constantly lately which means that I've taken the role of the two income single parent.
I'm honestly not complaining, just trying to keep the house below the chaos barrier for him arriving home and at least I know that it's just because the company he works has a pile of new contracts and it's just been a matter of "all hands on deck" until everything is up to scratch, then things will settle back down again.
I did find time to chop off most of my hair though, so that's good:)
Edit to include a blurry blackberry photo of the new do because ask and ye shall receive:)

And now if you'll excuse me I have to change the water in the fish tank before the fish start making a bid for freedom.
I do hope you're having a lovely, more relaxing weekend. But can I ask that when you're doing something really nice like curled up on the sofa with a huge coffee and the papers or taking a walk somewhere (because the sun has even come out today), can you spare a thought for muggins here, scraping the green gunk of the glass of the fish tank?