Gift bags (birdhouses*) for Chloe's garden party/mad hatter's tea party/sugar fuelled kid frenzy themed birthday party on 2 April. Ten down ... 18 to go! Along with a stack of 30 rolled paper lolly pop sticks ready to carry 30 cake pops to school for her actual birthday on 4 April.

Fabric Easter egg pendants for Totally Bazaar on 3 April

Fabric disk pendants for the same shindig.

All in gorgeous vintage cotton prints.

And a new display for the pendants. I had a clear one but somehow managed to snap it in half after my last fair. Not that I'm complaining, it's one of those things that I ordered, received and immediately didn't like but because the only thing inherently wrong with it was that I didn't like it I couldn't justify replacing it. Does anyone else do that? I like this one a lot more than the last, it was black acrylic and black isn't really me either but because I picked this up as destash I felt perfectly happy blitzing it with sandpaper and smothering it in glue.

Don't pay the wrinkles no mind either, honestly it's still damp they'll flatten as it dries.
They will!!
Also on a related note, all manufacturers of Super Glue should be brought up on charges by trading standards. Super Glue is not super, at best it's barely OK, so so even. Henceforth all Super Glue should be referred to as either OK Glue or So So Glue.
*The Birdhouses - I think I originally spotted these on Flickr sometime last year and I've seen them pop up all over the place since then so I don't really know who to credit for the idea. They're fairly simple to knock up, but if you need a tute, Just call me Martha has a lovely one already for you.