I thought it was about time I stopped using the awful "About Me" page.
Its strange because I always hated to talk about myself. I was a bit of a shrinking violet, if you can imagine that but somehow that has all changed in the last year or so.
So this used to be me.

The blond, second from the right. Look how young and innocent I was back then. This photograph was taken right after my final exams. I had the whole world in front of me, of course I was 16 and convinced I knew everything.
Boy, was I wrong.
Anyway, this is me now. Scrub up well, don't I?

Well, no not really. This is me...

My name is Leanne Woods and I live in Northern Ireland (Newtownards, Ards, N'ards call it what you will). I have a wonderful husband and a beautiful daughter. In short, I have a family now and they have given me roots. (Note to self: You have PSE girl. Use it or find a better photo).
Here is the beautiful daughter. I call her Toots. I could tell you her real name, but then I'd have to kill you.

She's absolutely perfect and the reason I get out of bed in the morning.
Oh yes, I am a mother and I have a blog(s). Does that make me a mommy blogger? Probably.
I left gainful employment (because being a mother and housewife is a full time job, trust me) at the beginning of 2009 and aside from a few minor slumps I am enjoying every single moment of my time at home. I try every day to soak up as much of my daughter as I possibly can, because I know that my current situation may not last forever. There may very well come a day when I'll have to return to a paid job, but not without a fight.
I recently set up a Folksy shop. Maybe one day I'll move to Wordpress and have a little shop all of my very own but in the meantime you can find my shop here.
I think that there is a very real possibility that I may be a little bit addicted to blogging. I started my first over a year ago now and very nearly stumbled and fell at the first hurdle.
Somehow I now have three:
My main everyday ramble at SeetheWoods and the Trees
Then I realised that I like to eat (see the double chin above) and to eat I have to cook. I try a lot of recipes some of which work and others don't so I started SeetheWoods Simply Food to help me remember them. Seriously, I forget and wind up cooking the one that made everyone ill for three days.
And lastly I very recently started a blog for the sole reason of publicising my shop at SeetheWoods Designs. Feel free to head over there for the hard sell, but I warn you it is very new and I'm still working on it.
I have to say I'm really enjoying myself. I love the community that blogging has opened up to me although I do still find it a little strange that anyone reads any of my blogs. Never mind the fact that I have met some really lovely people from all over the world. It boggles the mind. Really, it does. My husband sometimes finds it funny when I mention that I hope such and such is feeling better after a bad dose of the flu or I worry about people stuck in awful weather or being battered by tornadoes, but I do and he is getting used to it, I'll give him that.
I love comments, they completely make my day and I try my very best to reply to each and every one of them.
As it is, I'll try anything so the chances are if I have a crack at it you'll find it posted here at some stage. Hopefully that explains the whole "Where randomness prevails" thing.
I'm perfectly happy to answer any questions about myself that I haven't covered here so if you would like to know anything at all, get in touch.